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and what is a "level"?

The level of the character (as in most RPGs).

;-; i neeeeed more updates and i cant unblock steam with my unblocker


I think he's a child, and his school gave him a computer to use with restrictions, and one of those is banning steam.

im addictied lol this is ngl such a great

sorry for sending so much messages but i dont got discord

and why does it say final update does taht mean no more updates for this itch version ;-;

It also says 'Final update v2', so there might be a v3...

and what stat gives ur units more hp?

Stamina. It should all be written in the Guide (press 'ESC' during battle preparation -> Guide).

and honestly i think bleeding shoould do dmg since its just logical and why cant posion stack? ps. im not a grinder/no-lifer on this game

my screen just froze with the crazy games logo......

why is there a crazy game logo and so many adds?

and i think the chance of lengends and mythics are way to low like, nearly impossible to get a legend not even counting a mythic

There is only one ad during loading the game. All other ads are optional to make the game a bit easier (you don't have to watch a single ad while playing the game).

and what does bleeding do?

-50% healing and movement speed

and can u make the other upgrades avalible in this mode? it would mean alot to me and upgrade the game quality ALOT

More Upgrades will become available throughout development.


Thank you very much :)
If you want your questions answered it would probably be the best idea to join the Discord.

Is the water staff better then the holy staff? like can it heal without using its super?

All Holy Staves (Water Staff is a Holy Staff) also heal with their basic attack. It's probably best to join the Discord if you want fast answers to your questions :)

Will do.

I got a troop with over 100 int.

Awesome game!! But I am on macOS, so I cannot buy the Steam-version. If I play it online I cannot get all upgrades. Is there a solution how I can get all upgrades? I actually would be willing to pay, certainly!


Hey, thanks for playing! Currently the web version and the Steam demo are almost the same (Steam has a few more features, but the amount of available upgrades is the same). The current focus is to release on Steam for Windows. I will then look into options for other systems!

Ok thanks - good luck with the release. It's really a great game. I love the fact that you can play it in several ways, like

  • Using only specific classes, according to your skill tree
  • Using one from every class
  • Using a specific "logical" setup (like: 3 tanks, some mages behind)
  • Using A LOT of priests.
  • Using A LOT of thieves to get loot

For some reason when my dwarves die they aren't permanently dead. Also what's the official version, I'm playing the Steam demo but don't know if I should play the browser one if it's newer. And I saw a picture of someone fighting a dragon and I've never seen that. Is it possible

Hey, I changed the default mode to 'Glory', which means your dwarves will be revived if you win the battle. The old (and true) mode is 'Death', you can change it in the options.

Steam demo will always be more up to date.

I'm working on the 'Raids' feature which will only be available in the official version on Steam (fighting against trolls and dragons). Everything you see about that are just teasers from the devlog.

Thank you! This game is so fun to play, and I can't wait for the full version.

(1 edit)

sound is working again on RPiOS in Chrome as of 3 weeks ago, thanx (sorry NZ weather has been a side track for that long)



Hey there,


We are an indie publisher mainly focused on PC games, and our main platform is the Microsoft Store. This game caught our attention.

I understand that it is about to be released on Steam and that you are publishing it yourself. We can help you publish it on Steam, and if the results are good, we can also help you publish it on the Microsoft Store, Play Store, and App Store.

If this is something that you'd be interested in, please send an email to

not a bad game!!!!

(3 edits)

I really like this game! After trying so many different strategies this is the best I managed to get (lvl 154). Most of my equipment is mythic, with all Dwarves fitted with Mug of Everlasting Bock and Cane of the Ancient (all Legendary and above). This level was actually the first deserted battle I had :( 

I tried it 8 times using different strategies (got the closest using this setup). Still not convinced that this was the best setup, but the Guardian just wasn't doing anything in the end. 

Hint: Make sure when your Dwarf is about to upgrade, make the main weapon wisdom based and early on, use the most appropriate artifact that suits the dwarf you are trying to create - Doing this, the lowest wisdom was my warrior with 50 wisdom. But I do wish I had started 'sacrifice' runs about 20 levels earlier to activate Mug for additional wisdom - I think probably Guardian is the way to go, but I was getting toasted! 

The only suggestion is to make Mythic Equipment much higher stats. They seem to overall only be about 2 stats higher than legendary. 

Congrats on a great game!

Quite impressive without deserting!

The demo is actually designed to stop the player somewhere around battle 120... but certain strategies apparently let you reach even battle 300+

Yeah, Mythic Equipment is basically just maxed out Legendary Equipment (actually Mythic indicates 95% or higher of the items MAX stats). So it can happen that you get a 94% MAX gear which would then be legendary... I will look into this in the future to have a clearer design.

Thanks for playing! Hammers high!

Cheers! I have a sneaking suspicion that the way forward is 9 thief's and maybe??? 1 guardian all with dancing daggers, and Mug and Cain, and of course as many Poison vials to increase Dex early on. I got my Thief up to 48% dodge, wondering if it can get up to 60ish

Yeah, this strategy unfortunately didn't work. Its too hard to dodge up high enough. I got dex up to over 200 (over 50%) for each thief but still got crushed. 

Actually, there was a screenshot on the Discord of a victory in battle 400 with 10 thieves. So I think you are onto something ;)

Mmmm, I will try again!

I think you need to organise a session of various skilled play styles, as some of the scales, ranks and type of gear are not usable - for me the large blades (come too late for early game use), and Titan gear goes straight to the rubbish bin, as they dont have enough stats, same with the Divine and new "moon" (?) gear (but they do have more stats) cos stats are too low, and often Green Gear is better than Purple and Gold gear (because they have a reduced critical stat by comparison) - I say "various skilled play styles" because I target DPS (which is mostly linked to Dexterity) while trying to keep the Strength high (across _all_ character types) - it would nice to Tweak Divine + Moon gear, and replace the current Titan gear with a new formula, but I dont know how that affect other "play styles" or "build types" - you really need a "group feedback session" for that, so others know why some changes are _not_ made (but rather just tweaks, etc)

Balancing is an ongoing process that is actively being discussed on discord.

The "green gear being better than purple gear" is a known problem. I'll probably have to revamp the item system at some point.

I just had a run to 48-ish where the last battle lasted 5 min + (maybe longer) as my "dagger boy" had an item on him he managed to beat down 4 shield orcs and 4 banner boys, but died on the very final hit (whit succeded) - on the end of battle screen I wanted to check what item it was and what his gear was - it would be nice (on defeat) to be able to click the dead dwarves and have either their character sheet come up on the right or their character (which you could mouseover) to get their character sheet - this is beside the current layout where you get battle stats on mouseover (of dead or alive) dwarves

Not a bad idea. I'll think about it!

(1 edit)

I played the 22-11-16 demo that had sound (in the browser on, and I think I played 30-11 and 09-12 demos (or one of them) that also had sound, but this 23-01-11 no longer has (working) sound. (note I am in Chromium on RPiOS)

PS. Can you also add a second Menu key (specifically for brouser use) like CTRL+M or just M, as ESC takes the game out of fullscreen in the browser - as a desktop app, Esc is quite normal for a menu, but not in a browser, so a second key option would be nice (I thought there was one?)

Hmm, sound should still be working. Did you try turning the volume to OFF in the menu and then increasing it again? Maybe also try clearing cookies as I made some changes to how sound and music interact in the latest patch.

Good idea, I think I can add 'M' as an additional key.

(2 edits)

One thing I would like to comment on is the change of a boss every 5 rounds in waves 80+. I feel a bit limited in trying to optimize my characters from level 1 by using the artifacts that that apply stats on level up, since by then I tend to have enough artifacts to do so, While I do appreciate a higher amount of artifacts with more elites, I find it hard to build a fresh character in half the time, especially if I'm trying to get wisdom due to the on-battle effect as opposed to a level-based one.

However, I still like how once a dwarf is a high level that the mug of everlasting bock is superior, so  I don't think I want the item itself changed-do you plan on any changes that would make it easier to re-assign dwarves once we hit 80 waves?


Since there are more enemies, your dwarves will also get more EXP on higher battles. So new dwarves will level pretty quickly, but only the veteran dwarves will be able to achieve high WISDOM by drinking beer from an early battle on. This is actually intended design.

Also, 'Tome of Insight' can help new dwarves catch up faster.

Balancing is of course always ongoing and I will keep an eye on this, but currently there are no changes planned for the levelling process.

Thanks for playing and getting this far!

Thanks for the reply! I have a lot of fun with this game, and I recently came back to it after a lot of the new changes. Looking forward to how this game innovates in the future.

Dang, now that it's on crazy games I can't play at school lol.

since when did this game use crazy games? and have ads last i checked wasnt it unity


Since I ran out of donations

raspberry plastic tickle bear

I'm just joking. It's just easier to maintain builds this way (as I only have to make 1 build). You can always download the game here or on Steam without ads.

(1 edit)

is the skill tree only going to have passives or will it contain skills that you can activate mid-battle? is there a way to unequip certain items from dwarfs without having to equip another one?

Skill tree will be mainly passive improvements and "when X happens, Y will trigger".

There probably won't be any real active skill mid-battle, ever. Only thing I could imagine is maybe picking up some extra loot/gold by clicking.

There is no way to unequip items (except artifacts), the dwarf will only trade you for new items!



Gosh this is impressive.

(2 edits)

Really enjoying the game. Can't get past level 119! ahhh

Just quickly, after the last update I've noticed that after about level 65 the shatter ultimate (or perhaps one associated with the archer) results in the opponents being knocked back WAY too far. Just completed level 78 and I had to wait about 10 minutes for my thief to encounter the final opponent on the level.

Keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! The 'Piercing Arrow' ultimate can currently (v0.4.1) cause a huge knock back under certain circumstances (often when combined with hammers). This will be fixed in the next patch.

some suggestions:

1- a conter on how many enemies are left

2- maybe a feature that makes people want diversity in their team? like, 5% more damage if you have just a knight and a thieve in the same team or something like that.

3- maybe a feature where if you go too much right/left there will be a spike wall or something like that where your team can push enemies/enemies can push your team to deal damage.

and is there going to be multiplayer in the future?

Hi, thanks for playing!

1) I tried that, but it just didn't fit well with the design and in the end I decided it's not that important. Maybe I'll try again in the future.

2) I actually had something like this in mind when coming up with the game idea: You'll get a bonus for certain class combinations: E.g. 3 knights: -10% damage. However, something similar is now planned via the skill tree.

3) I'm playing around with the idea of just increasing damage by a factor the further you push into enemy territory (and vice versa).

Multiplayer is definitely something I have in the back of my mind, but it requires a lot of additional work and will probably not be implemented any time soon. One idea would be to be able to "upload" your team every X battles and see how you would perform against teams of other players in the same stage.

Some stratagies that I found helpful are: Lightning staffs are the best damage staff, get that and the rain healing staff asap. My highest damage-dealer was a dwarf with duel-daggers, and dwarfs with hammers. Stay away from battles with fire-orcs. More that once, i've lost my entire crew from a pheonix that set everyone on fire. Only fight fire-orcs if you have the rain healing staff, as it's ultimate does a ton of healing and puts out fire.


I haven't played with lightning much, I noticed that fire  is great though, and I like the ice too.  I think lightning is good for targeting backliners?

I'm having a hard time getting past 80-90 fights, the elites at the level tend to roll me, though I think dagger frontline might be able to get through with their dodge but I'm not sure.  Best units so far for me have been:

1) Hammers - aoe damage plus big knockback is great.  I tend to run 2 or 3 hammers, high wisdom is key, though strength makes for huge hits and stamina will help them survive.

2) Shields w/ 1-handed hammers - blue shield puts up a barrier that blocks the fire-staff's phoenix, pretty good.  The other shield seems to activate some kind of melee-damage block.  Blue shields tend to give less hp, but give wisdom.  I usually run 2 shield guys, and swap their shields to blue if I'm fighting fire-staff orcs (though really I just tend to reroll until I find a fight without them).

3) The "resurrect" healers (what's it called, "Last Prayer" maybe?).  I run 2, maybe 3.

4) The "shield" healers.  These guys actually tend to do more healing than my resurrect guys since they tend to have very high dex.

5) Dual daggers.  I run one simply for the increased loot chance, plus getting dexterity levels is handy, though usually not as good as wisdom.

6) Wizard staff.  Put it on someone who has had a healer staff (buffing wisdom) since early game.  I don't usually start using mages/wizards until wave 50+.  That way whoever I put it on should have gotten +15 or so wisdom from leveling and you can give them items to get their intelligence to 100+.  I prefer fire since you can nearly wipeout entire waves in a single cast with the right artifacts.  Ice is nice for the knockback.  Lightning I haven't used much but I think it's good single-target back-line damage.

Anyway, like the game, nice art, decent game loop, looking forward to what is added next.

Since I donated 80$ to this game on itch, how can I get it on steam?

Hi, thank you so much! The current version is available for free on Steam (as a demo). I can send you a key as soon as anything else becomes available :)

Hey! Thanks for the reply! I'd enjoy that. Until then I'll enjoy what you have.

This game is still very attractive. I hit 110 and 130 levels twice, and found a problem. The monster's HP and damage are higher, but the space for our equipment to improve is very limited. Even if I change my profession and position, I still cannot pass 130 levels. I feel that this is a bit unbalanced. If dwarfs can improve their attributes along with killing monsters and upgrading, it may be better.

Good game

Thank you. It is true that there is a limit on how much you can improve your Dwarves. This is, however, intended to act as a barrier and encourage players to try different combinations (and help me balance things).

More options to progress (e.g. skill tree) will be implemented in the coming updates.


The boss level is simply unbearable. There are seven bosses at 110 level, and the front row is topped by the back row. Maybe I should prepare more weapon sets to replace them. You can change more front rows at the boss level to resist attacks. However, the total number of dwarves is only 10. If the number of dwarves cannot be increased, it means that they cannot pass the last level, even if it is a wireless level.

So it turns out, if everyone in your crew dies other than your water-staff-based healer, but only after killing everyone other than their fire-mage, the two will just fight for eternity.

Restarting the browser fixed this, however, the game then informed me that I had abandoned my dwarves in battl and questioned if I could still be trusted D:

(1 edit)

After 3 minutes of stalemate, healers will stop healing. This should usually solve situations like yours.

(1 edit)

I just had one of my guys die to fire AFTER the battle finished, I feel like that when a battle finishes it shouldn't take near 10 seconds to put you back to the shop/bounty phase and instead should put you back to it instantly. My guy also had my only relic


The dwarves need some time (4 seconds to be exact) to celebrate their victory though...

I'll look into maybe removing all debuffs when the last enemy has fallen.

(1 edit)

I take back what i said about Dex, it does become useful lategame especially for wisdom capped archers and mages. 

I still think tweaking should be done to make dex more useful before round 40.

Maybe remove critical hits from all ranged attacks except archers and throwing axes. And then make dexterity scale directly with either crit chance or crit damage.

This way daggers wouldnt need to rely as much on strength, and runs won't be ended due to random firemages critting all my beautiful little bois

cheers <3

extra note, blood seekers special is much weaker than the dagger. crit AND dodges, vs normal attack with meh heal.

maybe its overkill,but the healing effect is so weak i think it would be justifiable to add in on top of the dagger crit.

Maybe I'll tweak the Bloodseeker ultimate a bit. We have to be careful here though, because this is also what the Elite Orc is using. 

Here is an interesting idea make a unique item called 'Spear Of Recruits' and give it a special like 'Recruit Spirit' where it doubles the stats of 1 random dwarf temporarily and it won't activate unless you have 4 or more dwarfs, and it could only have a 2% chance to spawn on a dwarf only.  

Great game, I am exited for more updates!

Great game! excited for updates! also please buff archer builds.

you need 45 wisdom and high dex for sun bow archers. Bleed artifacts work best on sun bow as well.

starter bow sux rightnow tho lmao


really dope game love the concept excited to see the updates

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