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Very fun game :)
Some recommendations after a few play throughs...
1) It would be nice to have the background in the shop change color for item rarity (so you don't have to hover each refresh to check).
2) It would be nice to have a way to check what is equipped on a character without having to swap out another item of that type.
3) More verbose descriptions of the ultimate abilities would also be nice.

Glad you liked the game!

1) That sounds like a good idea, I'll look into it.

2) A detailed dwarf view is planned, I'm just not completely sure of how I will implement it.

3) There is a description in the "Guide" if you press ESC, or do you mean you want more than that?

Regarding 3 -- Some abilities like Axe Throw don't specify how much damage (or even if it does damage). I also noticed my bow appeared to have a high chance to miss early on when there are fewer enemies -- is there a stat to improve the accuracy for it?

Good point, I'll have to add that. Just for your info: Axe Throw deals melee damage (STR + some random number between min and max attack) and no, dwarf archers are just really bad at aiming and you should only use them against many enemies.

dwarf archers are bad at aiming... this makes sense! the bow is the Elf's tool after all ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

I ran into an issue where I only have my healer left, but the enemy archers can't out dps my healer... the result is the battle has been going for a VERY long time... (I just left it open in it a tab to see if it would eventually time out). -- Update I just looked at it again to take a screenshot and now my healer is slowly attacking so the stalemate might eventually be broken :)

Yeah that is an issue, the current fix is that after 180 seconds of stalemate all healers/supporters will use their ultimate one last time and then enter melee combat (aka "The last march of the dwarves").

I had a similar issue with battles going to the stalemate timer against large groups of banner orcs.

Ah, so that's what happened! I also encountered a mob of banner orcs and thought I had to end the game manually because they just kept on healing. Good to know there's a way out and we don't have to abandon our crew.

I would like a way to swap my theif's knives because I can't seem to switch the first knife, I can only switch the second.

Yeah, I'll have to come up with something. At the moment the only way to swap the main-hand knife is to give the dwarf a different weapon.

I think that you should make some dwarfs rarer and have better stats. Then you buy them in the shop and you have to get to higher difficulties to unlock better dwarves. Unless there are rare dwarves and I just haven't found them yet.

(1 edit)

Dwarves actually have randomized stats, so it is possible to find very different ones. It is just not shown visually (maybe I should reflect that somehow). Most notably is probably the speed stat which can range from base 5 to base 15. You can hover over the dwarf before buying him to see the stats.

In the future I plan to implement permanent upgrade possibilities for the dwarves.

what are the 2 slots beneath the dwarves?

(1 edit)

This are slots for artifacts, which will be implemented in a future patch.

also just wanna ask are a bunch of gear in the game designed after a certain game that ends with the name knight? because some of the gear looks similar

I drew inspiration from a lot of random things to be honest. So while I was not looking at a specific game, it might have happened unconsciously. Which game are you talking about?

soul knight


i love it

Art & Music get a 10/10

  • Once ingame, I found no way to access the menu again
  • First shop should always contain a dwarf
  • Would be nice to see which part of a dwarf's stats stems from items and which are base stats

Also I think the lategame could become a lot more fun if it wasn't all about comparing item stats. Would be cool if one could pay to upgrade the shop to have a better chance at getting high rarity items, and also if higher rarity items were guaranteed to have a significantly better stat total.


Thanks for playing  :)
I appreciate the feedback.

- At the moment there is unfortunately no way to access the menu again. I'll have to change this at some point in the future
- Hmm... I'll think about that.
- Yes! A detailed dwarf view is planned. I just did not get around to implement that yet.

Lategame needs some form of a gold sink; being able to upgrade the shop could be a good solution. I'll look into it.

Lots of fun and a great game, though the demo seems to hit a ceiling beyond which there's not much advancement, except perhaps hoping for a mythic item to drop? Maybe it's just my lack of imagination, but I wish there were a little more versatility with the characters (maybe a bench?). It seems like my crew got stuck in particular roles that I can't change without messing with the synergies (except thief <=> archer). With this build, so long as I avoid fire/lightning opps, I'm almost invincible. Would love quests, special/unique characters, and a bench with characters I can sub in and out to face different groups. Thanks for all your work!

Hi, thank you for playing and your feedback! It is true that the demo hits a ceiling as enemy scaling basically stops after battle 75 (only their health will keep increasing after that). I did not expect people to get beyond this point so fast :D

But that is why it is tagged as a demo, many ideas are not implemented yet.

You actually can try several interesting switches: E.g. level a priest (+wisdom) and then switch to a great ultimate. Or go from warrior (+strength = increased melee damage) to thief. I do understand what you mean though, you usually feel kind of stuck with your chosen roles.

I'll think about the bench idea. Sounds definitely interesting.

Further planned features (you can find more information on discord):
- Boss battles at certain checkpoints (e.g. battle 25, 50, etc.)
- Persistent skill tree
- Artifacts (for the 2 slots below your dwarves) with certain special powers

Please name the bench as "tavern" because where else would the dwarves spend their free time

Just a small thing i noticed was when i had one support dwarf left and no other left, against two archers they were shooting over my last darf so the game never endded. But even with that i enjoyed your game.

Hey, thanks for catching that issue. I'll fix it in the next patch!


cool game! very fun to play.

just curious: how does difficulty scale?

Hey, thanks for playing!

The further you progress, the more enemies you will encounter (number wise). Also, enemies will wear better/different equipment and their total health increases with every battle.

further meaning more battles I assume?



Very enjoyable, it is on my list of games to play when avoiding work 🤣🤣

Thanks for playing and the video!

At first I was like "Ok, yeah. Another idle battler...", then I found myself jamming out to the menu music while playing another game, so I decided to send a few matches, and it's got charm and is a bit addicting.

I suggest allowing the naming of Dwarves, as that would make it easier to track, and mean more when they fail/succeed.

Click-dragging would be nice in the pre-battle screen.

Awesome game!

Thank you for playing. Music credits go to:
I got the dwarf naming suggestion several times now, I just might consider it. Though I like the goofy random names they are getting.

I actually wanted the inventory to be click-dragging but it turned out like this and I was just like "ok, that works for now". Might make adjustments in the future.

Thanks again! If you liked the game, you might consider wishlisting it on Steam.

Crazy, how long did that take? :D
We have a dedicated channel on discord for posting highscores and teams if you are interested.

ha. i had a 90 right after funny enough. As forhow long? too long 😂

Avoiding Discord for a bit, but once i can, would open it up and join

Lost track of time while playing it.  Soo fun.  Got up to level 50.  And i'm probably dumb for asking this, but can't figure out the what's 2 small box below the dwarf in the battle preparation phase.

Glad you seemed to enjoy the game! The boxes are just placeholders for artifacts which will be added in a future update. You are not the first who got confused by those...

Still a great game, but maybe if you made the loot drop from battle more often, especially late game, it would help because it's hard to find good loot in the shop. So im thinking, maybe if loot would drop more often we would be less likely to be demolished in the late game. Basically im saying make it easier to get better loot late game because im finding it hard to get good loot and end up getting destroyed by level 25.

I know the comment is very repetitive with "Late game" but im not the best at getting to the point.

Hi, I am currently observing the loot drop rate. The idea is that loot is rare, but powerful. I plan to add additional items (artifacts) that will increase the drop rate and quality level. Feel free to join the discord if you want to have a chat or discuss things in more detail.

I'm really enjoying it so far! One thing I would like though is a volume slider, not just a way to toggle the music on or off at the start screen. I'd also like there to be sound effects when the characters clash/cast spells/etc. and different music during the battle and during the menus.

You have a solid foundation, I hope you keep building on it. 

Sure, a volume slider should be no problem to add. My issue is that I always play games with music/sounds off, so I did not think about that. I'm not sure if adding sounds for every attack won't become a huge mess. Maybe I'll make some tests at some point, but as I said, I'm a no-sound-player so it doesn't have a high priority right now...

Thank you, I'll keep building :)

Haha, I like playing games like these while watching Youtube. But the sound of the game was louder than that of the video, and I couldn't adjust the volume of the browser or it would change it of *every* browser window. 

I can see why sounds to attacks would become a bit messy once you have a lot of characters on the screen attacking at once. Still though, I'd be curious to see how it pans out if you ever tested it. Best of luck!

Just right click the tab and click the mute button

Oh damn. Yeah that works too, thanks for letting me know, haha. 

Yup. No problem.

Still Great.  I would suggest different music for the battle scene from the menu/setup scenes.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. Having a dedicated battle music is probably a good idea. I'll add it to the list.

Very nice! This is a lot of fun. Much like others have mentioned, a summary screen at the end will be a nice addition. Looking forward to what's next.

Hi, thanks for playing! I will look into it, maybe a "Hall of the Fallen" after a complete run. The next patch should be ready soon.

I've been obsessed for like 2 weeks, the only thing I can think of that would make this so much better besides being abe to save is armor, nothing too fancy, just something like chestplates would be nice for the dwarves.

Glad you like the game. This is still the demo version so expect some things to change/be updated. It is planned to add rings/accessories (the two slots under your dwarf are placeholders for this) just for the stats and/or passive effects.

sounds amazing, thank you.

53 battles later; i had more fun than i would like to admit. Only reason i died lol i just needed to end the game, so i go back to my work. 

Some recommendations of things i would like - hopefully you might like them to. These are not fixes just some basic "nice to have"

  • Save button maybe?  
  • End-Screen Stats
    • A list of all the heroes you had (names)
    • Number of people they killed
    • High score maybe?

I got attached to one of my heroes and seeing him die without knowing how many people he rekt lol hurt my soul a bit. Leave a long names that i can't spell. 

  • Instruction: so we know what stats affect what

To be fair, trying to figure it out was part of the fun.

I cannot wait to see what new stuff you add but like this. The game is pretty great. 


Glad you liked the game!

Let me try to answer all your questions/remarks:

-Save game is planned. Will just take a bit longer.

-End-Screen Stats: I like the idea! At least displaying the total stats of a dwarf once he has fallen. I'll look into it.

-Getting attached to your dwarf: This is exactly what I was aiming for with this game!

-Instructions: For now the instructions are on my discord under #faq. I will add them into the game later.

The new update will come soon!

The only thing I think you need most rn is a game save system, but otherwise, it's a good game that I've been obsessed with for like a week. good job.

The game save system will hopefully be ready soon. Thanks for playing!

All i can think of is - give me an arcade version with unlimited money lol. Great game. 


This update kicks ass, love it!

It would be nice if after you lost it would show a quick screen with how many battles you won. I was nearing 40 but forgot to check the actual number before my last fight and it just went straight back to the start screen.


Yes, I know. It's planned. Also a screen after each battle of what each dwarf was doing (damage, healing, damage received, kills, [anything else?]). I'm working on it!

That sounds awesome! One other little thing that might be nice, is at the event selection screen if the battle options had a total bounty displayed at the bottom.

This will probably be added in the next update.

The game is fun ! This is a promising start. Will check again when there is a bit more content.

Glad to hear that. There are definitely plans for much more content.

is good

This game is pretty simple and fun. It has replayability becuase of it's RNG and the different builds I can try out. However, I got steam rolled in my 4th or 5th fight which is funny. Other than that it is a good demo that showcases the mechanics and the general flow of the game

Thanks for the showcase video. It's about choosing your battles carefully (ok, and sometimes RNG just decides to steamroll you).

I love the game! Rerolling needs a little tuning though, you can get stuck where you can't afford to buy anything, can't afford to reroll, and there are no battle options. Great otherwise!

Actually you should be able to still press the "Reroll" button if there are no Battle options available, even if you are out of gold. This is just not reflected in the UI yet.

I like the game a lot! My only comment is that it sucks to get to your third or fourth round, get defeated, and then have to start over again from scratch. 

Yes, i know that this is a problem for now. In the future I want to implement an "exploration" mode and/or a passive skill tree/modifier tree which persists even if you have to start over. Imagine for example "your archers will shoot 1 additional arrow".

What you are playing here is just the early prototype for the core gameplay.

Thanks for playing my game!

I like that idea! Just died after doing well for several rounds so I am done for a while, but I hope you post on Reddit when it gets updated!

The game shows promise, but the reroll cost needs to be eliminated.  Because of bad luck on rerolls, I was forced into a battle that I couldn't win.

Also, it's not clear what some items do.  Is a water staff an offensive or defensive object?  The tooltip needs to explicitly spell this out, please.


Thanks for playing. The reroll cost is there to enforce a more strategic thinking. The value can maybe be tuned.

Yes, item explanations will definitely be added!

Right now it seems that having a small offensive force + a ton of healing shamans is the way to go


Thanks for playing the game! Yeah, healing probably needs to be tuned down a little.

(4 edits)
came back to play again and it's fun trying to get each dwarf to use something different (just a few dupes), mostly the staffs have been saving my butt though 

edit: eventually it becomes a challenge to try to get as many dwarves over the limit as you can although they tend to die if you try to fight against any sort of shaman combination on an enemy team due to the firebird that kinda murks them all

also having more than 30+ speed is such a nice feeling lol, some of these characters are running faster than the firebird


Amazing to see someone get this far! Feel free to join the discord and provide feedback/suggestions for the further development of the game.

This game is pretty damn fun, I think you have a shot at making something very big if you polish it

This game is really funny! :D

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