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I love games like this. You did an AMAZING JOB!

Couple of questions.

Will there be mythic weapons?

Is there an end ever?

Do the +stamina effects from artifacts stack if I have 2 on one character?

Am I cheating by exploiting the "deserted battle" feature or is that intended?


there are mythic weapons, they are just very... mythic. I might have to adjust drop rates.

There is no end, ever. Highest score I've seen so far is 203.

All artifact effects stack, unless the artifact states it is 'UNIQUE'.

Deserting a battle is not really intended to be used. It is very helpful to test the demo though and saves your dwarves if your PC crashes. So it's a feature for now but let's see where this will go...

203? Omg I have so far to go.

I would love to see more like this

I'm working on it! :)


Two features i would love!

Function to rewatch a fight / Save a fight

Add an adjustable multiplier for overall engine speed. Some fights take a long time, and some runs that reach 70+ take a verryy long time as is.


Hey, thanks for playing!

I'm not too sure how easy it would be to implement a replay system right now... you could always just record your own gameplay though.

I get your point, some battles can take very long. I'm hesitant to implement a fast forward option though, as kind of a major feature of this game is to watch your dwarves battle. I'll think about it.

You would only have the FF option pop up after a battle has endured for 90sec or more.

I completely undertand your reluctance.

Maybe only make it available after you've beaten round 50+ for the first time, since first time players probably benefit from watching the battles strategically.

Just to be clear, i would prefer not skipping the fight, but just speeding it up.

Maybe make a 1.2x multiplier available when you beat lvl 20, a 1.3x when you beat 30 and so on.

Anyway, whatever you do i'll still, be playing the game lolol cheers

So close to 100, had great artifacts, stacking bleed on multiple troops is super strong. 

Dex needs to be worked on, as it stands it borderline useless, bows and daggers should scale their damage off of it imo

Wisdom is wayy too strong, reaching thresholds for the sun bow and fire staff to two shot into special makes bleeding/burning the entire enemy team a piece of cake.

Love the game, Jesus Christ it's addictive, great work!!

(1 edit)

You said Dex was useless but then mention the Sun Bow, which I assume is a bow & not a staff.  Did you use Dex characters or not? I got to 39 battles (far from your near 100!) so any advice would be appreciated.

(4 edits)

So a "class" is what  your dwarf will level up when recieving enough XP.

Dex is like shitty strength for melees, BUT the sun bow (a dex weapon) scales insanely well with wisdom (healer class). So usually i have  a2-3 dedicated healers, one of which will be switched to archer at about round 40+  (sun bow starts to shine when against 20+ enemies.)

Sunbow has a mana cost of 120, which means you 45 wisdom to twoshot into spell/special, this is very hard without leveling wisdom

this effectively mean to get a GOOD ARCHER you need a great mediocre healer first.

The healer is mediocre because the best healers are old mages, since most healing scales both with wisdom AND intelligence.

read the guide ingame, explains most everything,

Dex is okayish lategame, but pre round 40 it is worthless IMO

you have 10 damage, what is better
1% speed
10% pure damage.

That is the difference we're talking round between Strength and dex for melee

sorry for rambling lol

i will say daggers can be decent, and yet they scale better with strength, no dex weapon actually benefits the most from dex imo

Thanks so much for the tips.  I got up to 50 wins but to go further I'll have to incorporate your advice. Thanks again.

There, I beat lvl 100 with my army of armored thieves. I'm sure there's a better way to do it, I just don't know how.

33 deserted battles lmaoo

:) They almost all happened at the last encounter. I just couldn't beat it.

I download the game but the save file is gone, where the save file that is in the folder itself ? Can i move the save file from old folder to new downloaded folder ?

Unfortunately you cannot use an old game file at the moment. This is because the game is still being developed and the game data structure changes significantly between the updates.

Thank for the fast update, i just check appdata and notice more player file been added, now this solve my curious hmm... anyway thank

i love the addition of artifacts, i always sell my first one so that i can get a massive money boost, then i actually use the ones that i get later in the game. on level 10 when it gives you your first option to select an artifact, i recommend getting the one with the highest sell value, and selling it. keeping the later ones is useful though because it gets really hard a bit later in.

I absolutely love the game, just a bit too difficult for my gaming "skills", even on glory mode I died on 39 lol

I can't seem to get past 39 battles. There's a steep difficulty increase that I have no idea yet how to counter.


in reply to this reply, made into a comment just in case it gets looked over

     >Dwarves are just really bad at archery... Joke aside, I might look into something to make them more viable.< - ichbinhamma ~ 3AM central time

    Maybe you can have two ´modes´ one being misfire and accurate.

     You would take a stat for archers and have it be the accuracy chance, for example, if the stat was dex. and my archer had 16 dex. then before they shoot, they get a number 1-100    (or something else for balance reasons.)   , and if it's within 1-16    (16 from my dex. stat.)    the shot is accurate. (i think you should have the shot go straight or you could have it shot into the sky and come down like lightning).


     If the number drawn were to be 17-100 it would fire how it currently does and call it a misfire, since it is very inaccurate, or do stuff how you want to I'm just here from a player standpoint.


please buff archers, they are cool and all, but their curving down arrows barely hit. The idea of arrows is to attack the back row buffers and healers, but my knights just keep pushing the line, and my archers just won't hit. Faster shooting speed perhaps? 

Dwarves are just really bad at archery... Joke aside, I might look into something to make them more viable.


     Maybe you can have two ´modes´ one being misfire and accurate.

     You would take a stat for archers and have it be the accuracy chance, for example, if the stat was dex. and my archer had 16 dex. then before they shoot, they get a number 1-100    (or something else for balance reasons.)   , and if it's within 1-16    (16 from my dex. stat.)    the shot is accurate. (i think you should have the shot go straight or you could have it shot into the sky and come down like lightning).


     If the number drawn were to be 17-100 it would fire how it currently does and call it a misfire, since it is very inaccurate, or do stuff how you want to I'm just here from a player standpoint.


in the inspect the dwares thing what is the slot on the top left corner??


end me


Well this is as good of a spot to leave off as any lol


Omg, i got to 59 and was already thinking I was a baddass.

(1 edit)

I think someone farther down in the comments got like 90+ in an older version. Interesting build but I would say 4 healers minimum is required to get past the elite orcs in the later rounds

Does the bleed effect and burn stack?

Yes, but only burn applies damage over time. Bleed reduces healing and speed by 50%. You can find an overview of all debuffs in the 'Guide' section.

can you please make the fire orc either come later or rework it, maybe give its ability a pierce of two or three, I just had a game where I finally got 5 units early on, and everyone got one shot and half of them hadn't been hit

Balancing is still a WIP. The mage orcs are a bit on the powerful side... but they also have the best drops. By re-rolling you can avoid most of them though.

I'm not sure if this was overlooked but I found out that if 2 dwarves show up in the shop at the same time, they both stay same price after purchasing one

Yup, in this case you are lucky and you get a discount! It's a feature not a bug.

I also wanted to ask if there will be a heal falloff as the fight continues because while in the same run, the orcs had 9 healers(5 banners 4 shamen) to my 4 healers( 2 divine and 2 water) and the fight took like 10 minutes to finish since both parties were maintained pretty high hp

There is no falloff, but a complete stop: After 3 minutes all priests/supporters will use their ultimate one last time and then engage in melee combat. As their melee combat abilities are not the best, the fight might drag on for a while though...


bro my banner guy is faster than Usain bolt

What does the ultimate "Stossgebet" do?


Heal your lowest dwarf for 4*Intelligence. You can find a description of everything in the "Guide" section. "Guide" can be accessed through the Main Menu or by pressing 'ESC' in the preparation phase.


Loving it so far! Good job



very love the game, the perma death make it more fun to play and to try diferent combination, keep it up dude. great game

Love the game! Currently stopped at 100 battles won (so far 200+ total).

1) I wish I could see the individual equipment stats that are equipped. As well as unequip specific equipment. The only way right now is to equip another item.

2) Equipment compendium of some sort. That way I can see all the possible items and know what to hunt for. At the very least, a list that makes them hidden until they're purchased/seen in store for the first time.

3) The RNG for items in the shop is really wonky IMO. My first run of 95 battles never saw a single piercing shot bow. My second run of 100 battles saw only one flame staff.

4) Bows in general have terrible accuracy. Something about this needs to be fixed or updated to feel a lot better. Even against a large crowd, It will miss because it undershoots a lot.

5) The later stages of the game, I was heavily reliant on pierce and AoE. As such, flame staff, piercing bow, and the 2-handed hammers were the only viable options. There needs to be more balancing for the other types for later game stages. 

6) Rarity should be clearly visible without hovering for the colored name. 

7) While I enjoyed the concept of the weapons identifying the class and thus the stat growth per level, I want more control in stat allocation. But, I also understand that's the point of the system, so I'm a bit torn on this.

8) Do bows not scale its damage (nor its ultimate) off of any given stat? It seems like the base damage of the bow is all there is to it. This feels bad. But if I'm wrong, it needs to be clarified in the Guide, too.

9) I like the Guide section! But some of that info could be provided during the game, too. For example, underneath the ultimate names, there can be a small text description of what it does.

10) It's not specified how energy/mana is replenished. I have determined it's based on each basic attack recovers Wisdom stat amount. So, a dwarf with 50 Wisdom will recover 100 energy/mana in 2 basic attacks. This should be clarified in the Guide (it may be and I missed it, though).

11) Enemy mages and archers are SIGNIFICANTLY more threatening than the melee ones in mid and end-game. By rerolling strictly for melee enemies, I can avoid the ranged mobs. This has to be balanced somehow. Like ranged units deal 0.5x dmg to other ranged units for both sides since they're already squishier.

Keep up the great work! Looking forward to future updates. :)

Thanks for playing and taking the time to give feedback!

Let me try to answer your points:

1) That is a planned feature for a future update.

2) I like it. I'll put it on the TODO list.

3) RNG is what it is... I try to balance this a bit by removing beginner items from the shop if you progress further.

4) It's because of their short hands! But tbh it is just really hard to determine where the arrow has to hit as the melee jostling is very dynamic.

5) Yes, I'm aware. Balancing is still a WIP.

6) Yeah, this will be updated soon.

7) I implemented this system because I thought it will get too tedious to open each individual dwarves stats and add the points manually after every level up. But maybe some changes will happen to this in the future.

8) They do not scale with any other stat no, But as bows have very high min - max attack this number is affected a lot by item rarity. Feels wrong to scale it with STR, and if it would be scaled with DEX it might get too powerful.

9) Good point, I'm just afraid that the UI becomes too cluttered then. But I'll experiment with this.

10) It says in the Guide "Increases Mana Regeneration by 1 (Base is 15)", but maybe it is not clear enough that this will happen on every attack.

11) I'm working on a better composition of enemy team setups. Basically like premade warbands for the enemies with a more balanced setup. There will be artifacts introduced soon, which have passive effects like reducing magic damage, etc.

(1 edit)

Apparently 42 speed thief is so fast my camera can't catch up to it, because of this I want to see hp bars at the bottom of the screen. Since I can see the theif's hp I'm like watch this guy run into a crowd of cleavers.

Edit: Also 42 speed is fast enough for him to run ahead of the entire party and get first melee hit in even though I placed him in the back slot

Haha, yeah you know, dwarves are natural sprinters.

You can actually display hp bars in the Options (Main Menu or by pressing 'ESC'). I just need to make some update that all the hp bars stay in the camera view.

I think you need to upgrade the speed of your knights then a bit :D


I was playing and my team (image) got very strong. i tough i would never lose. Then i left the computer for a few minutes and i had left the fight going. once i came back, everyone was dead. it was funny, mainly because i tough my team was invincible lol.

Ok, now some things about the game (sorry if bad english):

1:i would love if there was a way to right click a character and see all the equiped armor and stuff

2:once you enter a fight, there is no music, but it would be cool if there was.

3:in my opininon the main menu is too boring,

thats it, not a lot of things.

btw im excited for the skill tree

Thanks for playing. You should not leave your dwarves alone in battle!

1) That is a planned feature.

2) There should be music (unless you turned it off in the options?)

3) I see, maybe I can add a few animations later.


This game is incredible. No one's making games like this anymore, particularly for browser. I love the items, the animation, and the art. I'm so impressed you've done all this by yourself.

Thank you so much for the kind words :)

Cool game, i hope it gets more attention


So I'm not entirely sure how to word this report-- but the exe version of this game is doing weird things to my computer.

For one it's pinning my GPU to the absolute maximum it can go to at all times which doesn't make sense given the game. 

And secondly its making my computer make very strange high pitched noises-- which might be related to the GPU thing, I've never heard anything like it in my life. So I should probably look into my gpu- but no other game is doing that even when I run the most GPU intensive games I own.

Yeah something to be aware of. Very strange.

I mean it might just be me and my system but I have no way of knowing because the game is the only X-factor.  

Im running a Radeon 6600XT on a Ryzen 7 5800X processor. 


If I were you, I would really look into my system...

This should not be happening, and I did not receive any similar reports.

(2 edits) (+1)

I mean that's fair, and I am definitely going to. But it's also only this specific game that does it. I tested like 20 other games and no other game had this issue at all. 

Like why would the GPU get pinned on this game-- on the title screen no less-- but not something like Cyberpunk 2077 with maxed out settings. That doesn't make sense and I can't even remotely understand why it would happen besides something in the game code/settings.  

I tested a bunch of other unity games as well. All normal-- no problems. Nothing pinning the GPU at its max. Most games don't even take the GPU past 10-20% utilization. And even the most GPU intensive only sit around 60-80%.  

The only difference I could easily find was in the Runtime Initialization AptivePerformance was turned on for this game. No other Unity game I checked had that.

Do I know if that's the issue? No idea. It was the only difference I could find with what I can check on my end. 

All I know for certain is that this game is the only game to have the issue. And its very strange for only one specific game to have issues if its a system problem. So-- its at least worth mentioning


Thank you very much for investigating. I will look into this, it is indeed very strange.


The issue should be fixed with the latest update.


So it still does it for about 1-2 seconds when launching the game but then everything goes back to normal / what I would expect and I haven't noticed any issues after that. So still a little weird-- but obviously significantly better! 


I just reported the same problem on Discord and this was pointed out to me. Coincidentally also running 6600XT on Ryzen  5800X.


that was pretty fun! i like that you can see how much damage each dwarf dealt/received for the battle, it really helps you see how much each is contributing :D

this game is really cool and i think it can be even better when new updates come. In the current state, i feel like the game is too... silent. the shop barely has sounds effects. (btw i just played 2 runs, but will play more after this comment)


Thanks for playing! I will upgrade the shop sounds in one of the next patches.


Hey man saw this on Splattercat's video really neat and fun game I played until 27 wins.

I have a some recommendations for you if you'd like, 

1.) firstly when you get to later levels there just isn't anything to do and a lot of the items are called epic names like the archer of the sun helmet but it isn't that good there needs to be more items that are far greater than anything else so you are excited to find them.

2.) to put briefly the archery sucks a lot, I had the best bow in the game and decked my guy out and he didn't do anything, they are too inaccurate and do too little damage for how often they shoot. 

3.) there needs to be a sounds when you sell an item and when you click refresh and stuff like that also just ambient music the music sounds epic here but when it runs out it gets very quite when your just comparing items.

4.) sometimes your guys yeet an enemy really far away and you just waiting for them to get to one guy that is low on health even though you know you won its a bit annoying.

5.) lastly the UI needs major improvement e.g. dont show me stats that are unchanged by the item just adds clutter and use symbols for the stats, also the game is sometimes a little unresponsive you have to wait a bit to hover hover and get the stats dont know if that's the game or because the servers are a little stressed though.

anyways that's all of got for now good luck developing the game.


Thanks for playing my game!

1.) Agree. There are currently 70 different items in the game, but I only recently started adding gear that will drop after a certain amount of battles (e.g. Worldbreaker/Titan and White Reaver gear). There is more to come.

2.) The archer shines when there are more enemies (especially with the Piercing Shot). Also it has to be balanced as he usually does not receive any retaliation damage like the melee fighters. There are plans to improve your archer via the skill tree later though (e.g. by shooting 2 arrows instead of 1, improving his accuracy).

3.) Yup.

4.) You don't like watching your dwarves do a little cardio? I do get your point though, but I can't really think of a solution right now.

5.) I'll look into it.


Any chance for a Linux build so I can play on my steamdeck?

There is a chance, but it is not a very high priority right now...

(2 edits)

3rd run... needs more content.

After 30 wins it's just the same content with swarming leveled-up enemies. You cant even see who's doing what. It becomes monotonous

The rerolling doesn't feel meaningful after 20 battles. Also why are the enemies darkened in the battle phase? You can just check who's what on hover. So what's the point?

And the UI and fonts probably need a complete overhaul.


Hi, please keep in mind that this is only a demo for the core gameplay loop. There are plans for adding more content that will make progression more rewarding!


pro tip: the more worldbreakers you have, the better your golf game becomes.

Looks like a great little game to play on my Galaxy Fold 3, but i can't see about a third of the screen due to the aspect ratio.

Is there anything you can do about that?

I tried to optimize the web build for most phones also, but I guess it just doesn't work on all devices for now. A dedicated mobile release is planned later, until that I'm afraid there is not much that can be done...

I managed a workaround for this issue by forcing the browser to be rendered at 16:9 in the Full Screen Apps setting.

It's very hard to read the stats difference when you're dragging a new item to a dwarf because your finger is in the way, so using an S-Pen is recommended.

Is there anything you can do about the music? Even if I switch tabs on PC or the phone screen locks the music keeps playing full blast. It should probably mute when the tab loses focus.

Glad you could make it work. There is a volume slider in the options menu.

Very fun game :)
Some recommendations after a few play throughs...
1) It would be nice to have the background in the shop change color for item rarity (so you don't have to hover each refresh to check).
2) It would be nice to have a way to check what is equipped on a character without having to swap out another item of that type.
3) More verbose descriptions of the ultimate abilities would also be nice.

Glad you liked the game!

1) That sounds like a good idea, I'll look into it.

2) A detailed dwarf view is planned, I'm just not completely sure of how I will implement it.

3) There is a description in the "Guide" if you press ESC, or do you mean you want more than that?

Regarding 3 -- Some abilities like Axe Throw don't specify how much damage (or even if it does damage). I also noticed my bow appeared to have a high chance to miss early on when there are fewer enemies -- is there a stat to improve the accuracy for it?

Good point, I'll have to add that. Just for your info: Axe Throw deals melee damage (STR + some random number between min and max attack) and no, dwarf archers are just really bad at aiming and you should only use them against many enemies.

dwarf archers are bad at aiming... this makes sense! the bow is the Elf's tool after all ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

I ran into an issue where I only have my healer left, but the enemy archers can't out dps my healer... the result is the battle has been going for a VERY long time... (I just left it open in it a tab to see if it would eventually time out). -- Update I just looked at it again to take a screenshot and now my healer is slowly attacking so the stalemate might eventually be broken :)

Yeah that is an issue, the current fix is that after 180 seconds of stalemate all healers/supporters will use their ultimate one last time and then enter melee combat (aka "The last march of the dwarves").

I had a similar issue with battles going to the stalemate timer against large groups of banner orcs.

Ah, so that's what happened! I also encountered a mob of banner orcs and thought I had to end the game manually because they just kept on healing. Good to know there's a way out and we don't have to abandon our crew.

I would like a way to swap my theif's knives because I can't seem to switch the first knife, I can only switch the second.

Yeah, I'll have to come up with something. At the moment the only way to swap the main-hand knife is to give the dwarf a different weapon.

I think that you should make some dwarfs rarer and have better stats. Then you buy them in the shop and you have to get to higher difficulties to unlock better dwarves. Unless there are rare dwarves and I just haven't found them yet.

(1 edit)

Dwarves actually have randomized stats, so it is possible to find very different ones. It is just not shown visually (maybe I should reflect that somehow). Most notably is probably the speed stat which can range from base 5 to base 15. You can hover over the dwarf before buying him to see the stats.

In the future I plan to implement permanent upgrade possibilities for the dwarves.

what are the 2 slots beneath the dwarves?

(1 edit)

This are slots for artifacts, which will be implemented in a future patch.

also just wanna ask are a bunch of gear in the game designed after a certain game that ends with the name knight? because some of the gear looks similar

I drew inspiration from a lot of random things to be honest. So while I was not looking at a specific game, it might have happened unconsciously. Which game are you talking about?

soul knight

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